Saturday 8 January 2011

William Eggleston

Since this is a blog I made specifically for photography related posts, I figured I should do some posts about my favourite photographers. I do it on my tumblr as well so there's even more reason for me to do it here.

Obviously this particular post is about William Eggleston, and I always think of him as my complete favourite because there is not one photo of his that I've seen and don't like, or that doesn't interest me, or so on. I don't really look back at my old photography teacher that fondly, since I don't think he taught us that much, apart from when it came to the dark room, but he was the one that brought William Eggleston to my attention so that makes me really glad I had him. I know I would have found out about him eventually, but the sooner I did, the better. 

Looking at Eggleston's photos as much as I do also makes me see things as though they were from one of his photos, for instance when we're going out somewhere and driving somewhere I haven't really seen before I always look for the kind of thing that would be in his photos and look amazing, and imagine trying to take photos like his. The fact that he took photos of what he saw would look good in places he visited and didn't particularly set things up makes me glad because I don't consider myself good at setting up a photograph at all, and prefer to just keep an eye out for interesting/ aesthetically pleasing  places or things that are already there. His photos make me notice things more. (But they also make me sad that I wasn't alive in the 70s and want to go to Memphis.) It's also his photos that made me interested in and excited by film the most, I think, despite being interested in it a bit before I knew of him. I use him for practically every photography unit I do and whenever I take a photograph I always think of his.

Here are some of his photos, there are too many I love to have favourites.

I'm so glad he has a good website, too, It has loaaaads of his photos on it.

(If anyone would like to buy me a late Christmas present/early birthday present, I would love William Eggleston's Guide. ;) Well, I'd love all of his books but that is definitely the most affordable. If not, I'll just have to buy myself a present...)

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